Mrs. Ruiz homework:
Research about your science topic, it could be "Adapt","Migrate" or "Hibernate" . Students will receive a list of animals and instructions.
Bring pictures ,cut outs our drawings of animals.
Animales en Otoño e invierno –
Animals in Fall and Winter
1-Elige un animal de la lista,
2.-Investiga como se adaptan y trae informacion impresa o
3.-acompañado de una imagen ( recorte de revista o impreso)
o dibujaló en una hoja para crear en clase un poster en equipo.
1.-Choose one animal from the list
2.- Investigate how they adapt to the weather, print or
write information.
3.-Bring along an image, could be a cut out, printed image
or drawing to school. In class we will
build together a poster about it.
Animales que Invernan:
Ardilla- Squirel
Abeja Reina- Queen Bee
Erizo- Hedgehog
Oso Pardo-Brown Bear
Zorro- Fox
Zorrillo- Skunk
Animales que migran:
Golondrinas- Swallow bird
Mariposa Monarca- Monarch Butterfly
Libélula- Dragon Fly
Pez Trucha- Trout Fish
Pez Salmon – Salmon
Ganso Peregrino- Goose
Reno Americano-American Reindeer
Animales que se adaptan:
Oso Polar – Polar Bear
Pingüino- Penguin
Foca- Seal
Read Assigned book in Raz-Kids in Spanish.
Additional Resources: